Spotify UX Study Case

2 min readSep 6, 2021
Cover of an Artist page on Spotify desktop app
Cover of an artist page on spotify desktop app

You’ve probably also heard of the UX/UI concepts, and in this blog we will talk about UX as part of one of the projects of the Web stack Specialization at Holberton School, taking a case study and for this time we use the Spotify App to understand how designers work by solving a UX problem and writing a UX case study that explains our discoveries.

First of all…
What is UX?

User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.

Search section on the spotify App

And in the first part of this study case we are reasearching a UX problem taking an specific user case:

user case

Part 1: Research

1 - Empathize & define opportunities for improvement

We’re trying to understand who you are designing for and how you can make their experience more delightful or reduce the fiction. To achieve this, we need to set aside your assumptions. We’re not the user and can’t anticipate their behavior and needs. And from this experience, you can define where/when this is room for improvement without being distracted by our gut feelings.

User Case Name: Alex

Their Story:
Alex is a student at Seattle University and lives in a dorm room with his roommate.

At night, he usually studies during 3 hours on average, but he finds that he lacks focus when his roommate is here.

He recently acquired noise-canceling headphones as recommended by a friend, but, as he loves music, his attention tends to shift to the lyrics.

After looking for non-lyrics songs, he found a few but they were too mellow and he began to feel sad.




Beginner Programar, social comunicator. Love pop music, family and friends.